The Walking Dead needs to ramp it up in season 4 to keep us
watching. And here's 6 ways they can do it -
1. Flesh out the
characters - 27 characters died in the season finale, but apart from Andrea
and maybe Milton, did we actually care? Nope. Why? Because we didn't know these
people, so how could we care about them? And, in the case of Andrea a lot of us
had little sympathy because we found the way the writers developed her
character unrealistic and even irritating.
2. We need more Daryl
- Let's be honest here, Norman Reedus is the star of the show. He wasn't meant
to be, but he is. Yet the Governor effectively kills his brother Merle and he
doesn't hunt him down and turn up at the prison with the Governor's head on a
stick? Rubbish. They need to stay true to the character.
3. Stop ruining
female characters by turning them into unrealistic victims like Carol
(battered wife, dead daughter), loose women like Lori and gullible idiots like
Andrea (the old Andrea would have killed the Governor, not fawned over him like
a love struck teenager). Only Michonne has kicked ass without any of the melodrama.
4. Do something
interesting with the Governor or kill him off. For me, every time the
action went to Woodbury the show dragged to a crawl. After the initial shock
over him keeping his walker daughter and the heads, the Governor character
5. We need more
shocks. It was a shock when Merle died and when the Governor gunned down
his own people, but apart from that there weren't enough shocks. Predictably,
everybody at the prison survived.
If you can bare to watch it, here's the bit where Daryl finds Merle the zombie.
6. Up the walker
threat. The reason folk love the show is because it's about zombies. But
too much of the time in season 3 they were a sideshow. They need to pose more
of a threat, to evolve, get stronger. TWD is primarily a zombie show, the
writers shouldn't forget that.